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Frequently Asked Questions

About moodgym

What is moodgym?

moodgym is an online self-help program designed to help users prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is like an interactive, online self-help book which teaches skills based on cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). You can log back in to at any time to learn more skills or to add to your workbooks and diaries.

moodgym is accredited to the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health standards . These standards improve the quality of digital mental health services and protect service users and their support people from harm.

I need help now?

If you or someone else is feeling suicidal, you should seek immediate help. There are people and services who can help at any time of the night or day. See Emergency help for more information.

Note that moodgym is not appropriate for crisis help.

Does moodgym follow established clinical practice guidelines?


moodgym provides training in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) which is a recommended treatment for depression and anxiety disorders in the clinical practice guidelines published by Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. Digital CBT or Internet-delivered CBT (iCBT) is also recognised in the guidelines, which make specific mention of the moodgym program.

You can access the clinical practice guidelines through the following links:

How is moodgym structured?

moodgym consists of five interactive modules which are completed in order.

  • Exercises and quizzes

    As you progress through moodgym, you will be asked to answer questions about your feelings and thoughts. moodgym will then provide useful feedback about your results.

    For many of the exercises it is up to you whether or not you complete them (although of course moodgym encourages you to complete all of them!). However, some quizzes must be completed before you can move on to the next part of moodgym.

  • Summaries

    At the end of each module, a summary of your results for that module is available and can be printed out. These can also be accessed from your Workbook.

  • Workbook

    In the moodgym Workbook you'll find all of the exercises and quizzes that you encounter throughout the program.

Who is behind moodgym?

moodgym was originally developed and evaluated over 15 years by researchers at the Australian National University. The principal authors of the content were Professor Helen Christensen and Professor Kathy Griffiths, who first scripted moodgym in 2001. Other staff provided clinical, technical and design expertise, and young people from the community provided feedback.

The development and delivery of moodgym is now undertaken by e-hub Health – an ANU spin-off company managed by the senior members of the original team. e-hub Health is committed to the ongoing development of quality resources which make a measurable impact in the wellbeing of users. e-hub Health is part of the Dialogue group of companies.

Who is moodgym intended for?

moodgym is designed to be used by people who would like to prevent mental health problems or manage problems which are troubling but not incapacitating.

The program content is suitable for users aged 16 years or older. However, the moodgym Terms of Use require that users users are aged 14 years or older, or aged 18 years or older if from the USA.

moodgym is not specifically designed for use by people with clinical levels of depression or anxiety. moodgym suggests that those who score above 2-3 on the moodgym Depression Quiz should contact a health professional.

  • Some of the exercises might be counterproductive for those with strong emotions.
  • Contact with a person (rather than an internet site) is very helpful for those dealing with these sorts of problems. A therapist can provide both the support and motivation to assist those with who may feel overwhelmed by their difficulties or who are battling to initiate self-help strategies.
  • The perceptions of another person are helpful as each person is unique.
  • Each person is unique and a standard program may need to be modified to take into account their particular circumstances.

What evidence is there supporting the effectiveness of moodgym?

moodgym has been extensively evaluated in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) undertaken by research groups around the world.

Using two or more modules has been linked to significant reductions in depression and anxiety symptoms, and these benefits have been shown to still last after 12 months.

Research trials have been undertaken in a range of settings (e.g., schools, universities, Lifeline, NHS Choices online); across the mental health care spectrum (from prevention to treatment); with different age groups (adults, adolescents); with a range of population groups (e.g. students, primary care patients, community users); in different countries; and with and without guidance.

A 2016 meta-analysis of 12 studies confirmed that moodgym is effective at reducing depression and anxiety symptoms in adult populations, with evidence suggesting that it is also effective at reducing general psychological distress.

Studies have also reported moodgym to be effective in reducing hazardous alcohol use, reducing suicide risk in high-risk populations, preventing mood and anxiety disorders, and in improving wellbeing and quality of life in users.

User satisfaction of moodgym is high, and evaluation studies suggest that moodgym is a viable option for those who cannot access face-to-face therapy, and for those waiting for traditional services. There is also demonstrated cost effectiveness of translating moodgym.

Peer-reviewed publications reporting on studies of moodgym:

McDermott, R., & Dozois, D. J. A. (2019). A randomized controlled trial of Internet-delivered CBT and attention bias modification for early intervention of depression. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 10(2), 2043808719842502.

Dorow, M., Stein, J., et al. (2018). Implementation of the Internet-Based Self-Management Program "moodgym" in Patients with Depressive Disorders in Inpatient Clinical Settings - Patient and Expert Perspectives. Psychiatr Prax, 45(5), 256-62.

Howell, A. N., Rheingold, A. A., et al. (2018). Web-based CBT for the prevention of anxiety symptoms among medical and health science graduate students. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 1-21.

Lobner, M., Pabst, A., et al. (2018). Computerized cognitive behavior therapy for patients with mild to moderately severe depression in primary care: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial (@ktiv). J Affect Disord, 238, 317-26.

Gilbody, S., Brabyn, S., et al. (2017). Telephone-supported computerised cognitive–behavioural therapy: REEACT-2 large-scale pragmatic randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 210(5), 362-267.

Healey, B. J., Griffiths, K. M., & Bennett, K. (2017). The effect of programme testimonials on registrations for an online cognitive behaviour therapy intervention: a randomised trial. Digital Health, 3, 2055207617729937.

Lobner, M., Stein, J., et al. (2017). Innovative E-Health-Ansatze fur komorbide Depressionen bei Patienten mit Adipositas: Nutzungsakzeptanz aus Patienten- und Expertenperspektive. [Innovative E-Health Approaches for Comorbid Depression in Patients with Obesity: Patient and Expert Perspectives on User Acceptance]. Psychiatr Prax, 44(5), 286-95.

Yeung, A., Wang, F., et al. (2017). Outcomes of an online computerized cognitive behavioral treatment program for treating chinese patients with depression: A pilot study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 38, 102-7.

Brabyn, S., Araya, R., et al. (2016). The second Randomised Evaluation of the Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and Acceptability of Computerised Therapy (REEACT-2) trial: does the provision of telephone support enhance the effectiveness of computer-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy? A randomised controlled trial. Health Technol Assess, 20(89), 1-64.

Twomey, C., & O’Reilly, G. (2016). Effectiveness of a freely available computerised cognitive behavioural therapy programme (MoodGYM) for depression: Meta-analysis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(3), 260-9.

Gilbody, S., Littlewood, E., et al. (2015). Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy (cCBT) as treatment for depression in primary care (REEACT trial): large scale pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 351.

Guille, C., Zhao, Z., et al. (2015). Web-based cognitive behavioral therapy intervention for the prevention of suicidal ideation in medical interns: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 1-7.

Sorensen Hoifodt, R., Mittner, M., et al. (2015). Predictors of Response to Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With High-Intensity Face-to-Face Therapist Guidance for Depression: A Bayesian Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(9), 1-22.

Kolstrup, N. (2014). The Internet as a medium for delivering treatment for depression. Possibilities and challenges highlighted by our experiences with MoodGYM. Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund, 21, 19-36.

Lillevoll, K. R., Vangberg, H. C., et al. (2014). Uptake and adherence of a self-directed internet-based mental health intervention with tailored e-mail reminders in senior high schools in Norway. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 14.

Menga, G., Ing, S. M. D., et al. (2014). Fibromyalgia: Can Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help? The Ochsner Journal, 14(3), 343-9.

Phillips, R., Schneider, J., et al. (2014). Randomized controlled trial of computerized cognitive behavioural therapy for depressive symptoms: effectiveness and costs of a workplace intervention. Psychological Medicine, 44(4), 741-52.

Schneider, J., Sarrami Foroushani, P., et al. (2014). Acceptability of online self-help to people with depression: users' views of MoodGYM versus informational websites. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(3), e90.

Twomey, C., O'Reilly, G., et al. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of the computerized CBT programme, MoodGYM, for public mental health service users waiting for interventions. Br J Clin Psychol, 53(4), 433-50.

Wilhelmsen, M., Høifødt, R. S., et al. (2014). Norwegian General Practitioners’ Perspectives on Implementation of a Guided Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(9), e208.

Calear, A. L., Christensen, H., et al. (2013). Adherence to the MoodGYM program: outcomes and predictors for an adolescent school-based population. J Affect Disord, 147(1-3), 338-44.

Christensen, H., Farrer, L., et al. (2013). The effect of a web-based depression intervention on suicide ideation: secondary outcome from a randomised controlled trial in a helpline. BMJ Open, 3(6).

Donker, T., Batterham, P. J., et al. (2013). Predictors and moderators of response to internet-delivered Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy for depression. J Affect Disord, 151(1), 343-51.

Donker, T., Bennett, K., et al. (2013). Internet-Delivered Interpersonal Psychotherapy Versus Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults With Depressive Symptoms: Randomized Controlled Noninferiority Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(5), e82.

Hoifodt, R. S., Lillevoll, K. R., et al. (2013). The clinical effectiveness of web-based cognitive behavioral therapy with face-to-face therapist support for depressed primary care patients: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(8), e153.

Lillevoll, K. R., Wilhelmsen, M., et al. (2013). Patients' experiences of helpfulness in guided internet-based treatment for depression: qualitative study of integrated therapeutic dimensions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(6), e126.

Lintvedt, O. K., Griffiths, K. M., et al. (2013). Evaluating the translation process of an Internet-based self-help intervention for prevention of depression: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Journal of medical Internet research, 15(1), e18.

Lintvedt, O. K., Griffiths, K. M., et al. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness and efficacy of unguided internet-based self-help intervention for the prevention of depression: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 20(1), 10-27.

Powell, J., Hamborg, T., et al. (2013). Effectiveness of a web-based cognitive-behavioral tool to improve mental well-being in the general population: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(1), e2.

Sethi, S. (2013). Treating Youth Depression and Anxiety: A Randomised Controlled Trial Examining the Efficacy of Computerised versus Face‐to‐face Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Australian Psychologist, 48(4), 249-57.

Wilhelmsen, M., Lillevoll, K., et al. (2013). Motivation to persist with internet-based cognitive behavioural treatment using blended care: a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry, 13, 296.

Farrer, L., Christensen, H., et al. (2012). Web-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression With and Without Telephone Tracking in a National Helpline: Secondary Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of medical Internet research, 14(3), e68.

Ellis, L., Campbell, A., et al. (2011). Comparative randomized trial of an online cognitive-behavioral therapy program and an online support group for depression and anxiety. Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation, 4(4), 461-7.

Farrer, L., Christensen, H., et al. (2011). Internet-Based CBT for Depression with and without Telephone Tracking in a National Helpline: Randomised Controlled Trial. PLoS One, 6(11), e28099.

Hickie, I. B., Davenport, T. A., et al. (2010). Practitioner-supported delivery of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy: evaluation of the feasibility of conducting a cluster randomised trial. Med J Aust, 192(11 Suppl), S31-5.

Hind, D., O’Cathain, A., et al. (2010). The acceptability of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy for the treatment of depression in people with chronic physical disease: A qualitative study of people with multiple sclerosis. Psychology & Health, 25(6), 699-712.

Sethi, S., Campbell, A. J., & Ellis, L. A. (2010). The Use of Computerized Self-Help Packages to Treat Adolescent Depression and Anxiety. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 28(3), 144-60.

Topolovec-Vranic, J., Cullen, N., et al. (2010). Evaluation of an online cognitive behavioural therapy program by patients with traumatic brain injury and depression. Brain Injury, 24(5), 762-72.

Calear, A. L., Christensen, H., et al. (2009). The YouthMood Project: a cluster randomized controlled trial of an online cognitive behavioral program with adolescents. J Consult Clin Psychol, 77(6), 1021-32.

Neil, A. L., Batterham, P., et al. (2009). Predictors of adherence by adolescents to a cognitive behavior therapy website in school and community-based settings. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 11(1), e6.

O'Kearney, R., Kang, K., et al. (2009). A controlled trial of a school-based Internet program for reducing depressive symptoms in adolescent girls. Depress Anxiety, 26(1), 65-72.

Batterham, P. J., Neil, A. L., et al. (2008). Predictors of adherence among community users of a cognitive behavior therapy website. Patient Prefer Adherence, 2, 97-105.

Burgess, N., Christensen, H., et al. (2008). Mental health profile of callers to a telephone counselling service. J Telemed Telecare, 14(1), 42-7.

Mackinnon, A., Griffiths, K. M., & Christensen, H. (2008). Comparative randomised trial of online cognitive-behavioural therapy and an information website for depression: 12-month outcomes. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 192(2), 130-4.

Christensen, H., & Griffiths, K. (2007). Reaching standards for dissemination: a case study. Stud Health Technol Inform, 129(Pt 1), 459-63.

Christensen, H., Griffiths, K., et al. (2006). Free range users and one hit wonders: community users of an Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy program. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40(1), 59-62.

Christensen, H., Griffiths, K. M., et al. (2006). Online randomized controlled trial of brief and full cognitive behaviour therapy for depression. Psychological Medicine, 36(12), 1737-46.

O'Kearney, R., Gibson, M., et al. (2006). Effects of a cognitive-behavioural internet program on depression, vulnerability to depression and stigma in adolescent males: a school-based controlled trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 35(1), 43-54.

Christensen, H., Griffiths, K. M., & Jorm, A. F. (2004). Delivering interventions for depression by using the internet: randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 328(7434), 265.

Christensen, H., Griffiths, K. M., et al. (2004). A comparison of changes in anxiety and depression symptoms of spontaneous users and trial participants of a cognitive behavior therapy website. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 6(4), e46.

Griffiths, K. M., Christensen, H., et al. (2004). Effect of web-based depression literacy and cognitive-behavioural therapy interventions on stigmatising attitudes to depression: randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 185, 342-9.

Christensen, H., Griffiths, K. M., & Korten, A. (2002). Web-based cognitive behavior therapy: analysis of site usage and changes in depression and anxiety scores. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 4(1), e3.

Does using moodgym mean that I don't need to see a doctor?

The information provided throughout moodgym is intended for information and skill development purposes only. moodgym is not a substitute for seeking diagnosis and treatment from a qualified person.

Always consult a medical practitioner or mental health professional if you require a diagnosis or treatment for depression, anxiety or other mental disorders. One reason this is important is that depression is sometimes caused by physical illness or certain medications and a doctor can check these out.

Persons under age 18 with depressive symptoms should speak to their parents about seeking professional help for their depression.

Is moodgym confidential?

Yes. All information that you enter into the moodgym program (answers to quizzes, exercises, workbooks and diaries) is kept confidential and e-hub Health is under a legal obligation to protect the integrity of your personal information.

Please see our privacy policy for detailed information.

How is my privacy protected?

e-hub Health understands the importance of keeping your personal information secure, and is under a legal obligation to protect the integrity of your personal information.

Please see our privacy policy for detailed information.

Is the moodgym website content accessible?

Yes. e-hub Health commissioned me2 accessibility to conduct an Accessibility Audit on the moodgym website. On 10 July 2019 me2 accessibility certified that the moodgym website satisfied all Level A and AA Success Criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 specification.

W3C WAI-AA WCAG 2.1 Certified WCAG Level AA me2 accessibility

I would like to undertake research involving moodgym?

e-hub Health welcomes independent research on the use of moodgym with specific population groups or settings.

We encourage researchers to contact the moodgym support team to discuss the requirements of your research.

I'm looking for a different program?

moodgym is also available in German. You can access German moodgym at

moodgym's sister program, e-couch provides comprehensive information and self-help for common mental health problems, including social anxiety. You can access e-couch at

Is moodgym available in languages other than English?

moodygm is also available in German. You can access German moodgym at

The previous version of moodgym was also available in Dutch, Finnish, Chinese and Norwegian, however unfortunately these versions have not been updated and are no longer available.

What does it mean if a service is accredited to the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards?

A government agency called the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care wrote the Digital Mental Health Standards to help people identify high quality digital mental health services. They worked with people who use digital mental health, mental health experts and industry to make sure that accredited services pay attention to the things that keep services safe.

An accredited service keeps your information private and they will ask for your feedback to make the service better. They also make sure their services are based on strong evidence.

A service gets accredited by an approved agency that has been trained to check for safety and quality issues. They check evidence to show the service meets the Digital Mental Health Standards so you can know that the service keeps people safe.

The Commission has more information on the Digital Mental Health Standards and what accreditation means.

Subscriptions and payments

How much does it cost?

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To purchase a subscription: register an account or log in with your previously registered account. If there is no active subscription associated with your user account, you will be provided with the option to purchase a subscription.

Is moodgym free?

No. For many years moodgym was provided free of charge to users around the world. However, in order to ensure sustainability, we now charge for individual access to the new version. We have tried to keep the cost of moodgym as affordable as possible.

We encourage health departments, organisations and corporations to consider cost-effective subscriptions to provide access to moodgym for their citizens, members or employees. This information for organisations may be useful if you wish to forward a link with details of moodgym to your health provider or employer.

You will be able to purchase a subscription after you have registered an account (email address and password).

Fetching subscription price in local currency...

Note that if your organisation or employer has provided you with a token, you will be able to enter this after registration to proceed without payment.

How can I pay for my subscription?

To purchase a subscription: register an account or log in with your previously registered account. If there is no active subscription associated with your user account, you will be provided with the option to purchase a subscription.

You can make the payment for subscription via a credit card or paypal. Online payments are procesesd through Paddle (see Paddle’s privacy policy here ). Once your payment has been processed Paddle will email you a receipt for the purchase (including any sales taxes). Note that e-hub Health does not collect or store your credit card details.

What is the charge on my credit card statement?

Subscription payments are processed through Paddle (see Paddle’s privacy policy here ). The charge for your payment will appear on your statement as "PAD*MOODGYM".

Will my subscription payment be automatically renewed?

No. We never automatically charge for subscription renewals. Rather if your subscription expires, when you next log in you will have the opportunity to purchase a renewal if you wish.

I'm having trouble completing a payment?

Please contact the moodgym support team for assistance.

User accounts

How do I access the program?

To access moodgym you will need to register an account.

If you have already registered an account you can log into the program with your email address and password. (If you registered on an old version of moodgym, you will need to log in with your username and password).

I can't create a new account?

To register a user account you will need to agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and enter your email address and a password.

Your password needs to be at least 8 characters long, and meet any 3 of the following:

  • Contain a letter
  • Contain both uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Contain a number
  • Contain a special character
  • 13 characters or longer

If you continue to have issues registering a user account, please contact the moodgym support team for assistance.

My login details aren't working - what can I do?

If your details aren't working and you have set secret questions, you can reset your password using your email address.

Please note that as per our privacy policy, accounts which have not been accessed for more than 2 years will be deleted.

Note that if you registered your account on an old version of moodgym, you will need to log in with your username and password. If these details aren't working, and you have accessed your account within the last 2 years, please contact the moodgym support team for assistance.

How do I delete my account?

To delete your account, log into moodgym and go to 'My account' on the top right of your screen. Here you will see an option to delete your account.

Users registered before 1 July 2017

I registered on a previous version of moodgym?

If you have accessed your account within the last 2 years, your details will be active within the new system.

Can I use my existing login details?

Yes. If you have accessed your account within the last 2 years, these details will be active within the new system.

Please note that you will need to login using your username and password (rather than email address and password).

My login details from the previous version aren't working?

Note that you will need to log in using your username and password (rather than email address and password), and that both are case sensitive. Also, as per our privacy policy, accounts which have not been accessed for more than 2 years are deleted from our systems.

If you details aren't working, and you have accessed your account within the last 2 years, please contact the moodgym support team for assistance.

For organisations

How can I offer moodgym to my employees or members?

We encourage health departments, organisations and corporations to consider cost-effective subscriptions to provide access to moodgym for their citizens, members or employees. Please see information for organisations.

Is organisational pricing available?

Yes. Please see information for organisations.

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